Gorbachev, Alvis Hermanis, Theatre of Nations, Moscow, Russia
Baltais helikopters (The White helicopter), Alvis Hermanis, The New Riga Theatre
Vēlā mīla (Old love), Isaac Bashevis Singer, The New Riga Theatre
Vēstures izpētes komisija (History research commission), The New Riga Theatre
Atnāc mani vēl satikt (Come se me again), Alvis Hermanis, Madara Rutkēviča, Agnese Rutkēviča, The New Riga Theatre
Die Möwe (The Seagull), Anton Chekhov, Residenztheater, Munich, Germany
Kalpa zēna vasara. Sākums (Farmhand boy's summer. Beginning), Janis Akuraters, The New Riga Theatre
Linda Vista, Tracy Lets, The New Riga Theatre
Dieviņš pillā (The Tipsy God), poetry of Aivars Neibarts, The New Riga Theatre
Madame de Sade, Yukio Mishima, The New Riga Theatre
Insgeheim Lohengrin, Richard Wagner, Alvis Hermanis a. o., Residenztheater, Munich, Germany
Parsifal, opera by Richard Wagner, Wiener Staatsoper
Madame de Sade, Yukio Mishima, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Madama Butterfly, opera by Giacomo Puccini, Teatro alla Scala
Submission, Michel Houellebecq, The New Riga Theatre
Die Liebe der Danae, opera by Richard Strauss, Salzburger Festspiele
I Due Foscari, opera by Giuseppe Verdi, Teatro alla Scala
La Damnation de Faust, Hector Berlioz, Opera national de Paris
BRODSKY/BARYSHNIKOV, Joseph Brodsky, The New Riga Theatre
Der Revisor, N. Gogol, Burgtheater Vienna
The best death scenes in the history of opera, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Die Soldaten, opera by Bernd Alois Zimmermann, Teatro alla Scala
The Twelve Chairs, Ilya Ilf, Yevgeny Petrov, The New Riga Theatre
Tosca, opera by Giacomo Puccini, Staatsoper im Schiller theater
Il Trovatore, opera by Giuseppe Verdi, Salzburger Festspiele
Jenufa, opera by Leoš Janaček, La Monnaie /de Munt
Cosi fan tutte, opera by V.A.Mozart, Komische Oper Berlin
Gawain, opera by Harrison Birtwistle, Salzburger Festspiele
An Enemy of the People, based on Henrik Ibsen, The New Riga Theatre
Die Geschichte von Kaspar Hauser, Carolla Dürr, Schauspielhaus Zürich
Sommergäste, Maxim Gorky, Schaubuhne Berlin
Kabalas noslēpumi (The Secrets of Kabbala), Isaac Bashevis Singer, The New Riga Theatre
Die Soldaten, opera by Bernd Alois Zimmermann, Salzburger Festspiele
Onegins. Komentāri (Onegin. Commentaries), after Pushkin, The New Riga Theatre
Wassa, Maxim Gorky, Mϋnchner Kammerspiele
Eugene Onegin, Pushkin, Schaubühne Berlin
Das weite Land, Arthur Schnitzler, Burgtheater
Oblomovs, Ivan Gontscharov, New Riga Theatre
Platonov, Anton Chekhov, Burgtheater, Vienna
Oblomow, Ivan Gontscharov, Schauspiel Köln
Ruf der Wildnis, Mϋnchner Kammerspiele
Friedhofsfest (Kapusvētki), coproduction of the New Riga Theatre with Wiener Festwochen
Ziedonis un Visums (Ziedonis and the Universe), New Riga Theatre
Melnais piens (Black Milk), New Riga Theatre
Le Signorine di Wilko, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione in Teatro Storchi, Italy
Späte Nachbarn, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Mϋnchner Kammerspiele
Eine Familie, Tracy Letts, Burgtheater, Vienna
Die Geheimnisse der Kabbala, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Schauspiel Köln
Zilākalna Marta (Marta from the Blue Hill), New Riga Theatre
Vectēvs (Grandfather), New Riga Theatre
Shukshin's Stories, The Theatre of Nations, Moscow
Kölner Affäre, Schauspiel Köln
Der Idiot. Anfang des Roman, Schauspielhaus Zürich
The Sound of Silence, coproduction of spielzeit`europa/Berliner Festspiele and the New Riga Theatre
Väter / Fathers, Schauspielhaus Zϋrich
Fricis Bārda. Dzeja. Ambients (Fricis Barda. Poetry. Ambient), New Riga Theatre
Latviešu mīlestība (Latvian Love), New Riga Theatre
Stāsts, kas nav par latviešiem. Vientuļie rietumi (Not About Latvians. The Lonesome West), Martin McDonagh, New Riga Theatre
Sonja, Tatiana Tolstaya, New Riga Theatre
Brennende Finsternis, Antonio Buero Vallejo, Schauspielhaus Zϋrich
Drednauti. Uz visām jūrām (Dreadnoughts. In the all seas), Jevgeny Grishkovec, New Riga Theatre
The Ice. Collective reading of the Book with the Help of Imagination in Riga, Vladimir Sorokin, New Riga Theatre
Das Eis. Kollektives Lesen eines buches mit hilfe der Imagination in Frankfurt, Vladimir Sorokin, Ruhr Triennnale, Gladbeck
Das Eis. Kollektives Lesen eines buches mit hilfe der Imagination in Frankfurt, Vladimir Sorokin, Schauspielfrankfurt
Latviešu stāsti (Latvian Stories), New Riga Theatre
Tālāk (By Gorky), adaptation of Maxim Gorky’s Lower Depth, New Riga Theatre
Garā dzīve (The Long Life), New Riga Theatre
The Story About Kaspar Hauzer, Carola Dürr, New Riga Theatre
The Inspector General, Nikolai Gogol, New Riga Theatre
The City, Jevgeny Grishkovec, New Riga Theatre
Maidens from Wilka, Jarosław Iwaszkiewiez, New Riga Theatre
Brīvais kritiens (Free Fall), J. Tatte, New Riga Theatre
XX century. Vision Express, New Riga Theatre
Traktāts par mīlestību (Tractate About Love), Stendal, New Riga Theatre
Māksla (Art), Yasmina Reza, New Riga Theatre
Pīķa dāma (The Queen of Spades), Pushkin, New Riga Theatre
Arkādija (Arcadia), Tom Stoppard, New Riga Theatre
Kā lēna un mierīga balss (Like a Calm and Peaceful Voice (VOX)), Nicholson Baker, New Riga Theatre
Tims Tālers jeb pārdotie smiekli (Timm Thaler), James Krϋss, New Riga Theatre
Mans nabaga Marats (My Poor Marat), Aleksei Arbuzov, New Riga Theatre
Uguns un nakts (The Fire and the Night), Rainis and Jānis Mediņš' opera, Latvian National Opera
Kaija (The Seagull), Anton Chekhov, New Riga Theatre
Liesmojošā tumsa (The Blazing Darkness), Antonio Buero Vallejo, New Riga Theatre
Transit 2000, New Riga Theatre
Doriana Greja portrets (The Picture of Dorian Gray), Oscar Wilde, New Riga Theatre
Secret Pictures II (Malady of Death), Marguerite Duras, Von Krahli Teatter, Tallinn
The Blazing Darkness, Antonio Buero Vallejo, Von Krahli Teatter, Tallinn
Kā lēna un mierīga upe ir atgriešanās (Like a Calm and Peaceful River is the Homecoming), S. Soderberg, New Riga Theatre
Marķīze de Sada (Madame de Sade), Yukio Mishima, New Riga Theatre
Secret Pictures (Malady of Death), Marguerite Duras, New Riga Theatre
The Process, Franz Kafka, Training Stage of Latvian State Conservatoire