Director - Alvis Hermanis


How did the Latvian language come up? How does the language sound like we call the Latvian today? What's going on at the moment when words and language are born? The poet Aivars Neibarts (or nicknamed as Newrbulis) has treated and and used the Latvian language in such an unusual way that, when reading his verses, one has a very strange illusion – as if being a witness at the moment when the Latvian language was created. The Latvian tongue.

Author of the poetry - Aivars Neibarts
Director and stage designer - Alvis Hermanis
Actor and costume designer - Guna Zarina
Composer - Ingus Baukšķenieks

Light - Lauris Johansons
Sound - Gatis Builis


Dzejas autors - Aivars Neibarts
Režisors un scenogrāfs - Alvis Hermanis
Aktrise un kostīmu māksliniece - Guna Zariņa
Komponists - Ingus Baušķenieks

Gaisma – Lauris Johansons
Skaņa - Gatis Builis


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Photographer - Jānis Deinats
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