Only a few years after establishing, the New Riga Theatre (JRT) participated in the “Young Directors Project" of the Salzburg Festival with the play "Revisor" (director Alvis Hermanis), winning the first - Max Reinhard Prize. It was a contest that selected productions by young theatre directors from all over the world. This event marked the beginning of the international recognition of JRT company and the international career of theatre's artistic director, followed by guest performances in 40 countries and in more than 200 cities for 15 years, participating in all the world's largest theatre festivals (from Avignon to Edinburgh). Inspired by this example in our theatre’s history, JRT announces a project contest called "JRT 2.0" (“Jauno režisoru teātris, nākamā versija” – “theatre of young directors, updated version”).
In the autumn of 2022, the return of JRT is planned to the historical premises of the theatre at Lāčplēša Street 25, in the downtown of Riga. After the renovation, we will have at our disposal three theatre halls (the Big stage and two smaller ones – with seats for 300 and 100 spectators). This means that JRT will produce more new performances in one season than before. The JRT actors' company will also be supplemented with the JRT students of the Latvian Academy of Culture. And the theatre will also need young directors.
Latvian and foreign young directors with their new production ideas are invited to participate in this project contest. The five best proposals will be produced by JRT during the next season and, upon returning to our historical building on Lāčplēša Street, these new productions will be shown in a separate Theater Festival “JRT 2.0”.
Project contest rules.
✓ The text of the performance, a detailed description of the idea of the new production and the visual concept (sketches and drawings of decorations, costumes) should be submitted by 30 May 2021.
✓ The desired actors of performance must be specified (no more than five actors involved). Only JRT company actors, including JRT students, can participate in the performance (www.jrt.lv will provide you with some information about our actors and actresses, click here for information about students ).
✓ The cost of producing the performance should meet the budget assigned by JRT, which will be announced separately later. The rehearsal period of the performance may not exceed nine weeks.
✓ The performance should be designed for the JRT Small Hall (100 seats) or the New Hall (300 seats), both - “black box” stages.
✓ Along with the new production project, at least one filmed video version of any of the director's previous theatre works should be submitted.
✓ It is an international contest. The director does not have to be a Latvian citizen. The knowledge of Latvian language is not necessary. However the performance must be staged in Latvian language.
✓ The director of the performance should be young (no one is going to check the passport).
The five best proposals will be chosen to be produced by JRT. They will be performed at the Theater Festival "JRT 2.0", upon the opening of the renovated JRT building, and will remain in the future JRT repertoire. The first prize of the project contest "JRT 2.0" is the opportunity to stage a performance on the JRT Big stage in the season 2023/2024.
The jury for selection of the new productions will consist of six people (experience plus youth): Alvis Hermanis (JRT Artistic Director), Margarita Zieda (JRT Head of Literary Department), Kaspars Znotiņš (JRT actor), Gerds Lapoška (JRT student), Agate Krista (JRT student), Gundega Palma (JRT Member of Board).
The winner of the "JRT 2.0" contest will be determined by an international jury, which will be announced a week before the opening of the "JRT 2.0" festival.
Please, send the project proposals to Elīna Adamaite, JRT International project coordinator ([email protected]).
We hope this project will become an annual theatre tradition and “JRT 2.0" will be followed by "JRT 3.0", "JRT 4.0", and so on to infinity.